HINT - General Scientific Workshop and Review Meeting 2016
University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Aveiro 10-12th October 2016
HINT - General Scientific Workshop and Review Meeting 2016 will be held at the Reitoria building of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 10th to 12th October 2016. The meeting aims at sharing the learned lessons on design, control, and dynamics of interfaces in hybrid organic-inorganic materials over the last four years.
Participation at the meeting is free of charge and is open to scientists, both from the public research sector and from the private sector. Support
for travel and subsistence will be offered to a limited numbers of participants. Registration and requests for support should be made before the deadline,
together with the abstract submission (using the provided template - ).
Registration website: http://www.cost-hint.cnrs.fr/RegistrationAveiro2016.
Deadline for Registration and Abstract Submission: 15th of September 2016
Hotel rooms must be booked by participants, some suggestions are listed at accommodation webpage.
Reimbursement rate
will be 60 Euros per night (subject to MC approval).
Coffee breaks
A morning and afternoon coffee breaks will be served in the conference site.
Lunches will be booked (under request) in the Restaurant of the University of Aveiro. The price for lunch will be ca. of 9 € to be paid directly at the Restaurant.
It will include starters, soup, main dish (fish and/or meat), salad buffet, desert (fruit or sweet item), drink and coffee. (Map of University Campus)